KNEXT ABIDJAN 2024 was a great success!

We were delighted to welcome over a hundred End Customers to KNext 2024, held today, March 7, 2024, in Abidjan.

During this conference, the Kaspersky team had the opportunity to present the latest technologies to protect their businesses and face cyber threats. After introductions by Pascal Naudin, Kaspersky B2B Sales Manager, and Mehdy Sahly Saly, Sales Director at #Aitek, we were treated to a series of presentations:

Gladys Salmouth presented the results of Kaspersky’s 2024 study on Ivorian companies’ relationship with cybersecurity,

Franck Davy OSSEIN unveiled strategies for Cyberdefense in Africa: exploring the various options offered by the SOC and discovering innovative solutions.

IRO HERVE MONDOUHO explained how to optimize defenses against cyberthreats: explore essential training for all your staff, from employees to IT teams.

We’d like to thank all the end-customers for attending, and the Kaspersky team for the quality of the discussions.

See you at the next KNext in 2025!